The Start

J U M P :

TO move your body off the ground and often forward towards something…

I am beginning a new journey in life. One that requires patience, courage, endurance; one that is requiring me to JUMP from my life now into something far greater. This blog is a journal of my travels. A way to share all of my experiences.

I have accepted a full-time position with Chick-fil-A Inc., as an Interim Manager in the Leadership Development Program. This job is a huge accomplishment and blessing; one I am not taking lightly. As an Interim Manager I will be working in company owned restaurants while they are in transition from one Owner/Operator to the next; filling in the role as “operator” or “manager”. This program is a 24-30 month program that will hopefully result in owning my own Chick-fil-A franchise.

This job will take me to places I have never been, meet people I have never met, but have the time of my life doing it all! I ask you keep up with my travels and follow along! Who knows where I might end up next…